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It's in the news: East Coast might be at a greater risk of mosquito- and tick-borne infections as the climate becomes hotter and more...

Summer Pests
Ticks, mosquitoes, ants and many other pests are projected this summer increasing the risks of infectious diseases such as West Nile...

Keep Grass Cut Short
Did you know? Ticks generally cling to plants near the ground in brushy, wooded, or grassy places. The edges of woodlands and leaf litter...

How to Remove Ticks
Did you know? The easiest and safest way to remove a tick is with a tweezer. Do not twist the tick, this might tear the head and mouth...

Ticks Don't Jump
Did you know? Ticks don't jump, fly, or drop from trees onto your head and back. Ticks will crawl up over your entire body; they want to...

How To Check Your Dogs For Ticks
Remember to check your pets for ticks as soon as they come indoors. Talk with your veterinarian about using tick preventives on your pets...

Is Your Backyard Safe?
It's summertime, which means outdoor play, hiking, gardening — and tick bites. Each year, about 300,000 people in the U.S. catch Lyme...
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