If you suspect having mices you should immediately contact the trained professionals at Heritage Pest Control for an inspection and a customized mices extermination plan.
Deer mice occur throughout the United States. Although the genus of the deer mouse is rather large and each species has its own common name, all members of the genus are often referred to as either deer mice or white-footed mice.
The most common and widely distributed species is P. maniculatus, the true deer mouse. Public health officials determined that it is the principal rodent species associated with the transmission of the hantavirus. This virus is transmitted through the inhalation of particulate matter contaminated by the droppings and urine of infected mice. Disease mortality in humans is approximately 60 percent.
Deer mice are active all year round. They normally produce their largest litters in the spring, depending on climatic conditions. They are nocturnal and are rarely seen in their outdoor habitat. They often construct nests in hollow logs and tree stumps, under logs and stones, and occasionally in bird nests and shallow burrows. Deer mice are rarely a major problem in residential areas; however, housing in rural and agricultural areas may have more of a problem.
In the fall and winter, deer mice frequently enter homes, garages and outbuildings, and occasionally campers and other infrequently used vehicles. Once in these areas they can cause significant damage to furnishings and stored materials as they search for food and construct their nests. Their typical diet consists of nuts, seeds, berries and insects. They often store food in their nests for the winter months.