If you suspect a cricket infestation you should contact Heritage Pest Control for an inspection and a customized control.
You can hear them chirp. Every night. And you’ve noticed your wallpaper has been chewed. But finding and eliminating a cricket infestation can be quite challenging, since house crickets stay in hiding during the day. You may be familiar with field crickets found outdoors that look similar to grasshoppers. House crickets look the same but are a much lighter tan to light brown with three dark bands on their heads. Full-grown crickets are about an inch long.
A female cricket can lay hundreds of eggs, which take a year to grow into adults. If one cricket finds its way into your home, usually in the fall, its hatchlings can quickly grow and scatter throughout your home undetected, especially since their natural coloring tends to blend into their surroundings. By the time cold weather sets in the following year, these house guests will have settled in to your nice cozy house for a long noisy winter.
Crickets are a noisy house guest, but they are relatively harmless unless there is a large infestation in a home. Because they eat just about anything, crickets have an abundant supply of food in most homes. They prefer soft plant matter, but will also eat other live or dead insects, silk, wool, synthetic fabric, paper, wood, rubber, fruit, vegetables and other foods.
A favorite cricket delicacy is wallpaper. They love to eat the glue that holds paper to walls. They will then continue to eat the wallpaper itself.